Living by the 3Rs Rule

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Here are a few ideas to help you start living by the 3Rs rule:



  • Use printing paper that has been recycled
  • Print on both sides instead of using single sheets
  • Buy copybooks made from recycled paper


  • Use less wrappings, like tinfoil or plastic bags
  • Take lunch to school in a lunch box that can be re-used
  • Buy fruit as a treat instead of bars with foil wrapping - its healthier too!


  • Only take the amount of food that you will eat. Remember, the less food wasted, the better it is for the environment.



  • Use both sides of a sheet of paper before you throw it out


  • Bring a drink to school in a reusable bottle instead of a carton. Cartons can only be used once and create more waste.


  • Use rechargeable batteries instead of buying new ones


  • Plastic bags can be used over and over again!


Paper, Plastic & Tins:

  • Most homes now have recycling bins for different types of waste. If you don't have these bins at home, you can bring the recycling material to your local recycling centre.