Barn Owl

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Screachóg reilige

Would you know a barn owl?

These owls are very easy to spot. They are a honey colour on top and very white underneath. They have a beautiful heart-shaped face and long legs. The barn owl has no ear tufts at all!

The barn owl likes to live near woodlands, ditches or anywhere it will find food. It likes farmlands beacuse it can eat the crops and animal feed. Usually, you will only see them at sunset. This is when they hunt for dinner. They eat mice, rats, frogs or even small birds.

Barn owls only hunt close to their nest. Often, they will stay with their partner for life.

Dangers for barn owls

The barn owl's natural habitat is grassland and hegerow. A lot of this habitat is cleared when new buildings are put up. Then the barn owl has to find a new home.

There are other dangers for barn owls. Many of them eat poisons put down by farmers by accident. They can even drown in animal water troughs.