Short-eared Owl

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Ulchabhán reisc

The short-eared owl is usually found in Ireland in the winter. It prefers to live along the east and south coasts. It likes the grasslands, sand dunes and marshes along the coast. In summer, it moves to higher ground to have young.

The short-eared owl eats small mice, insects and birds.

Have you ever seen a short-eared owl sitting up on a post?

It is watching out for dinner! It will fly low over the ground and catch it.

The short-eared owl comes out during the day. This is different from the barn owl and the long-eared owl. They prefer to come out at night.

Would you know a short-eared owl?

Look out for its small ear-tufts and its bright yellow eyes. Can you remember what colour eyes the long-eared owl has?