Longer Journeys

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What transport do we use for longer journeys?

When we go on longer journeys we can use the car, the bus or the train.

When we go on longer journeys we can use the car, the bus or the train.

Public transport where you pay a fare to use things like a bus or a train. Can you list some types of public transport?

Private transport is when you use a family vehicle or a vehicle that you own. What types of private transport do you and your family use?

Discussion Time!

Can you think of some reasons why people would prefer to use public transport?

Discuss with your class.

What types of public transport are there?

Forms of Public Transport

There are different types of public transport available in Ireland. These include buses, trains, trams and taxis.

Good public transport is very important because it will reduce traffic.

In the 1990s, the Government planned to reduce the number of people going to work by car, by improving public transport and introducing bus lanes to speed up journeys.

The Government wanted to reduce the bad effects of transport - noise, air pollution and greenhouse gases.
It was decided to promote cycling and walking as a safe and healthy means of transport.
They also wanted to reduce traffic jams and increase the average speed at peak times.
(A Platform for Change. Dublin Transportation Office, 2001)

In Ireland, which do you think are the most used types of public transport?

Do you think the Government's plan is working?

Can you plan a journey?
