Bus and Car Public Transport

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Public Bus Transport

The public bus system in Ireland is run by Bus Eireann.
There are other private bus services in operation such as Aircoach.

Buses can be a good way to travel. They can carry a lot of people. Sometimes buses can be slow as they can get caught in traffic jams.

r However, in Dublin, buses can travel in special designated lanes to bypass the main traffic. These are called Quality Bus Corridors (QBC's). These lanes are being introduced more and more throughout Ireland.

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Public Car Transport

Taxis are public car transport.
They collect you and bring you to where you want to go.

They are usually more expensive than a train, tram or a bus because they are hired for a single passenger, or a small group of passengers.Trains, trams and buses travel a specific route at a designated timetable. Is there a route and timetable that suits a journey that you often travel?