Tram Public Transport

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Plan your route through rail and road

Which do you think will travel faster from Galway to Dublin - a train or a car?

Don't know?

Go to the Iarnród Éireann timetables and see if you can figure out how long it takes by train.

The AA route planner will help you find out how long the journey takes by car.

Public Transport by Tram

The Dublin surburban rail system is called the Luas, meaning 'speed' in Irish.

It operates two unconnected lines on the East and West sides of the city.

The Luas started operating in 2004 and has been transporting passengers into and out of Dublin ever since. It is estimated that around 60,000 people use the Luas daily.

The tram allows you to bypass traffic and runs on a frequent schedule, in order to transport passengers as quickly as possible through the city.

Map of Luas, Stops and Zones.
The two lines are called the Red Line and the Green Line.

However, some evidence suggests that the Luas tram lines increased the traffic congestion on some routes in Dublin. The Luas causes long hold-ups at traffic lights to allow the trams to pass.

Discussion Time!

What colour tram line would you get on if you were travelling from Suir Road to Abbey Street?