Regional Roads

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What is a Regional Road?

Regional roads are smaller than National roads. They consist of only two lanes - one for each direction.

Regional roads could also be considered as local roads. They can easily be recognised from signposts.
They always have a specific number with an 'R' in front.
An example would be the 'R750' as you can see above.

Our fourth best roads in Ireland are the Regional Roads. They are marked in red on your map. Regional roads often bring you to very nice, more remote places such as the R759 to the Sally Gap in the Wicklow mountains.
The current speed limit on Regional Roads is 80kmph.

Tell me more about regional roads!

Can you spot other Regional Roads on this map?

Why do you think there is a Regional Road in this area rather than a Motorway, National Primary Road or a National Secondary Road?

Do you think that either of these Regional Roads is a particulary busy road on a day to day basis?

Identify the Regional Roads on the Map

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