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There are many more ways to investigate and to do extra research on Cork city and its geography. Below are some ideas.

Below are some ideas:

Your local library is an excellent source for all the information you may need.

There might be some more photographs of buildings and homes if you search the website.

Maybe you need some tips on how to be a researcher

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Ask Your Librarian or Teacher

Ask your librarian or teacher if they can help you find out information about your local area. Information you could look out for are photos and media publications (ie:Newspaper clippings etc) that may show changes in the landscape, buildings or roads.

Information you can look out for includes photos and media publications, such as newspapers, which may provide you with interesting insights.

Not sure exactly what you can ask the librarian for?  Click on the icon for some suggestions.

Other Links - type in your area name and see what comes up from the search. - The Central Statistics Office Ireland: This site has a lot of information on demographics within Ireland. You can find out how many people live in your local area. Just type in your suburb name in the 'Search Site', found at the top of the page.

Have a look at the rest of the website, and find out information on Ireland. How many people live in Ireland? How many of them are women or men?


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