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This is an old map of the Raheny area which was made in 1843. It shows Raheny village, some schools, larger houses and other buildings which were in the area at the time. It also shows fields, gardens and the sea.

Raheny Village 1843 Ordnance Survey Map

Notice that the map shows a railway line which is not finished. There is a gap at Edenmore. This was because the landowner there had not yet given permission to the Great Northern Railway to put tracks down. Everything on this map has been hand painted. This makes it very special.

  • How many years was this map made before the Great Famine?
  • What changes might the famine have caused?

Raheny 1901

More about maps

This is a map of Raheny in 1936-7. You can see that compared to the 1843 map there have been many changes.

Can you spot that the railway line is now finished? The quarry that is on this map is different too. It seems to have water in it and the gravel seems almost gone.

Can you find a school?

Notice all the small shaped boxes. These are houses and buildings. Do you think there are more or less houses in Raheny when you compare the 1936-37 map to the 1843 map?

Why do you think this is?