Life Abroad

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Presentation at Court

Constance as a Debutante, 1886
Copyright Sligo County Library

In 1887, at the age of 19, Constance was presented at the court of Queen Victoria in London and was named "the new Irish beauty". Constance, enjoyed her life in London, Dublin, traveling abroad and at home in Sligo.

Constance kept a journal during 1892 and 1893. In February 1892, aged 24, she wrote that she loved to lie late in bed :

Letter extract 1

She also wanted excitement and drama and was determined to become an artist. She records in her journal :

Letter extract 2

Life Abroad

Eva Gore-Booth
Copyright Sligo County Library.

When Eva, Constance's sister and closest friend

Constance and Eva

Constance and her sister eva whom she was very close to are pictured here at the opening of Drumcliffe Creamery 1895.

Courtesy of

 , left Lissadell in 1896 to go to Manchester, Constance left home soon afterwards. Eva dedicated her life to writing poetry, women's suffrage and social work. Through her, Constance also became involved in the campaign to allow women to vote.

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