Constance's Marriage

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Constance went to art school in London. In 1898 she went to Paris to further her art studies. In Paris, she met Count Casimir Dunin-Markievicz (see picture), a Polish aristocrat, six years her junior and was already married with two children. Casimir's wife was very ill and died a couple of months later and one of his two sons died soon after. He was a tall handsome man, a painter and a Catholic, who spoke no English. They were married in September 1901.

Wedding Photograph

Constance's marriage to Casimir de Markievicz

Examine this wedding photograph.

When was it published in the newspaper?

How do you think this photo has survived until now?

Married Life

Constance with her daughter Maeve and step-son Stanislaus

In 1901 the couple returned to Lissadell and Constance's only child, Maeve, was born in November. In 1903 after visiting the Markievicz estate in the Ukraine, they returned to Dublin with Casimir's surviving son, Stanislaus to live in a house provided by Constance's mother in Rathmines, Co. Dublin. During this time the couple's life was made up of parties, painting and going to the theatre.