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  • Aspects of Donegal


According to Donegal County Council, there are 1491 bridge structures in the county. There are small, stone arch bridges crossing small rivers and larger bridges like the Gweebarra Bay Bridge. It is estimated that roughly every 500 metres there is a bridge or a culvert.

Many of the pretty stone arch bridges which can be found all over the county were built by the Congested Districts Board and the Grand Juries between 1850 and 1900.Every year, a number of these older bridges are given an overhaul. The arches are strengthened and repaired. Some bridges are beyond repair and need to be reconstructed.

New Bridges

When bridges were first built in the county cars did not exist and people travelled on foot or by horse and cart.


Some older bridges cannot deal with the volume of traffic which exists on modern roads.


New bridges are built using new materials and technology.