Organic Farming

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Organic farmers are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.

They have to grow their crops without using chemicals. They also have to raise their farm animals such as chicken and cattle in a way that is as natural as possible. That means that the animals are fed only natural foods and not foods which might cause them to grow at a faster rate than naturally. Many agricultural products are produced organically, such as grains, meat, dairy products and eggs.

During the 1990s, more farmers changed to organic farming. This was because more people were asking for organic foods. People began to look for more nutritious food and they were prepared to pay more for it. An organic farm uses natural methods to grow better quality food. It does not use pesticides to kill insects or herbicides to kill weeds. Because of this organic farming protects the environment. Organic foods are now widely available in shops, supermarkets and farmer's markets. Many restaurant chefs are now using organic produce because they find that the quality and the taste of the food is better than with some ordinary foods. Have you ever tasted organic vegetables or organic meat?

Put the Animals on the Farm
