Learning Outcomes

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The child should be enabled to:

  • learn that light is a form of energy

  • recognise that light comes from different natural and artificial sources

  • investigate that light can be broken up into many different colours

  • use a prism to create spectrum

  • investigate the relationships between light and materials

    • sort materials according to the degree to which they allow light through (i.e. transparent, translucent, opaque)

    • explore materials that do not allow light to pass through (opaque) and thus form shadows

    • design and make a light shade for bedroom

  • investigate how mirrors and other shiny surfaces are good reflectors of light

    • effects of flat shiny surface, curved shiny surface

  • recognise that the sun gives us heat and light, without which people and animals could not survive

  • be aware of the dangers of looking directly at the sun.

Source:  SESE Science Curriculum, p. 63