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Now that you know how to read maps, why not find out more about the maps of your area and beyond?

Below are some useful tips about how to do just that.

Your local library may have some maps you can look at. You can even log on and find out in advance if they have the map you want.

Now that you know how to read maps, ask to see them next time you are there. Find out more and explore your local area.

There might be some more useful information and images if you search the website.

Maybe you need some tips on how to be a researcher

Click on one of the icons below.

Ask Your Librarian or Teacher

Ask your librarian or teacher if they can help you find out information about your local area. They may also have maps you can look at.

Ordnance Survey Ireland
offer a comprehensive set of maps of Ireland. These are widely available to purchase in shops and on the Internet.

Not sure exactly what you can ask the librarian for?  Click on the icon for some suggestions.

Other Links

Ordnance Survey Ireland

Your local library

Wicklow Mountains National Park

Google Maps

Other areas of this site

For pictures of Irish mountains


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