Location of Schools

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My School Now

Let's look at our schools.

Your school is a familiar place and you may think that you know all about it. Let's find out!

Where is your school located? Look at the Ordnance Survey map of Ireland below.

.................................................................Map of Ireland

Can you find which part of the country your school is situated in?

Google Maps

Google Maps allows you to type the address of your school into the search box provided and look at a satellite image map of the area.

Click here for the Google Maps webpage where you can view the interactive map of Ireland.

Use the plus and minus controls to zoom closer to the image.

Google Maps are always adding better maps to their page.
Using Google Maps, type your school address into the search box and then zoom in as close as you can to the image map of your surrounding school area.

If your school area doesn't appear close enough to see in detail just now, use the minus control to zoom out to a distance where you can see the surrounding area.

Can you see any rivers, parks or farmland near your school?

Are there any roadways or a railway line nearby?

Can you see the nearest play area to your school?

Think about it

Why do you think your school is located where it is?
Is it in a built up area?
Are there other buildings close by?
Think about the buildings that are near your school.


Now fill in these sentences about your school:

Now fill in these sentences about your school: