20th Century

In the 20th century many Irish artists travelled to various regions in France in order to study the modern art styles being practiced there, such as Impressionism and Cubism.

An Impressionistic Approach

  • Walter Osborne (1859-1903)

Osborne began studying in the RHA and then travelled to Antwerp. He also spent a year painting in Brittany where he was influenced by the plein-air painting techniques; recording the effects of sunlight.

Example: In a Dublin Park, Light and Shade, c. 1895

  • Roderic O’Conor (1860-1940)

O’Conor studied in Antwerp and Paris. La Jeune Bretonne, 1890 was painted when he was in Brittany.

A Cubist Approach

  • Mainie Jellett (1897-1944)

Jellett travelled with Evie Hone (1894-1955) to Paris in order to study the Cubist theories of Albert Gleizes. She introduced Cubism to Ireland.

   Example: Decoration, 1923


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