Sewer Vents

Although easily confused with lamp standards, close scrutiny will reveal that there is no light on the top of these poles. The lettering on the bases varies according to the local administration of the area. The purpose of sewer vents was to release noxious fumes to the environment.

The lettering on the image on the left indicates that this sewer vent on Bushy Park Road was erected by the SDRDC, namely South Dublin Rathdown District Council, who were responsible for the area adjacent to the Rathmines and Rathgar District Council.

There are many examples of these sewer vents to be seen in the area, although they are starting to disappear, as is the case with the image on the right. This photograph was taken on Rathgar Road in 1998 but the sewer vent has been removed since: the lettering R.U.D.C. on the door symbolized Rathmines Urban District Council.

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