Minute 22nd March 1845 (part 2)

The report of the Visiting Committee was then read. They found that the house and its inmates were in a most satisfactory condition as to cleanliness and good order. They recommended that a Ventilator be opened in the lobby storeroom, over the door and an additional one in the surgery. They also recommended a counter to be put in the potato store for weighing the daily allowance of potatoes.

This Report was signed by Henry Walley and William Robert Lecky. Other financial matters were then outlined and it was proposed by S. Haughton and seconded by T.T. Vigors that the following gentlemen be elected a Finance Committee for the ensuing year:-

  • W.R. Lecky, William Fishbourne, Joseph Fishbourne, Samuel Haughton, Arthur Fitzmaurice, Henry Cary, Simon Clarke and Peter Gale.
  • It was also ordered that the Schoolmaster be permitted to be absent for one evening during that week.

Leters Recieved

Next on the agenda were letters received by the Board. The first noted was from the Downpatrick Union in reference to a petition to Parliament from their Board. A Report of the Committee of the Board of Guardians, Belfast Union was received in reference to the intended Law of Settlement Bill, England. A letter was received from the Clerk of Works of the Milford Union in reference to a resolution passed by the Board of Guardians of the Union on the 6th of January last, complaining of him having neglected his duties as Clerk of Works. A letter was received from G.S. Carleton specifying the terms of the Sun Fire Office in relation to insuring the Workhouse. Accordingly, the Clerk was directed to transmit by post the sum of £8, 5 shillings being the amount specified for the insurance of the building in the sum of £11,000. Furniture and wearing apparel were also to be contained therein. Mr. Carleton was requested to furnish a suitable letter accompanying the receipt for same, until such time as "a regular policy is effected".

The Master was directed to have a ventilation opened, over the door of the lobby store room, priced at 1 shilling and also to have a key rack put up in his own room for the house keys.


The Tenders were then read out: that of William Graham for 4 sixty-gallon vessels at 12 shillings and 6 pence each. Offers were for two fireguards for the schoolrooms, made of iron at a cost of 19 shillings and 6 pence each. All tenders were accepted.

Anne Richmond was brought before the Board and admonished for her previous bad conduct. She was informed that in case of a repetition of same, the severest punishment, which the Rules of the Workhouse permitted, would be awarded her.

The Chairman, William Fishbourne, duly signed the Minutes.

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