Flora of The Burren
Despite the Burren’s harsh, rocky appearance, some have referred to it as ‘Fertile rock’ owing to the rich variety of flora species that inhabits the area. The herbs and tufts of grass that grow between the rocks are also very nutritious for animals. Of the twenty-seven orchid species that are native to Ireland, twenty-five of them are found in the Burren.
Dense-flowered orchid
The dense-flowered orchid is one of the Lusitanian Flora group.
©Jenny SeawrightDense-flowered orchid - ©Jenny Seawright
Common Spotted Orchid
English Name: Common spotted-orchid Botanical Name (Latin): Dactylorhiza fuchsii (subsp. fuchsii) Irish Name: Nuacht bhallach Order: MONOCOTYLEDONES Family: ORCHIDACEAE Brief Description: Perennial herb, to 0.4m tall (sometimes taller); leaves 5?10, usually marked with dark blotches; flowers pink-purple with darker lines and dots, lip with 3 lobes, the middle one triangular and longer than the side lobes; bracts short and narrow.
Carsten KriegerCommon Spotted Orchid - Carsten Krieger
Fragrant Orchid
English Name: Fragrant orchid Botanical Name (Latin): Gymnadenia conopsea Irish Name: Lus taghla Order: MONOCOTYLEDONES Family: ORCHIDACEAE Brief Description: Perennial herb, to 0.4m tall; with 3?5 leaves at base, 2?3 smaller ones on stem; inflorescence cylindrical, densely packed with rose-pink to mauve (rarely white) flowers; lateral sepals spreading, so flowers are wider than tall; fragrant.
Carsten KriegerFragrant Orchid - Carsten Krieger
Fly Orchid
English Name: Fly-orchid Botanical Name (Latin): Ophrys insectifera (O. muscifera) Irish Name: Magairlín na gcuileanna Order: MONOCOTYLEDONES Family: ORCHIDACEAE Brief Description: Slender perennial herb, c. 0.2m tall; leaves oblong; flowers pale green, with large 3 lobed lip that is dark brown with glossy blue patch in centre.
Carsten KriegerFly Orchid - Carsten Krieger
O'Kelly's Spotted Orchid 1
English Name: O'Kelly's spotted-orchid Botanical Name (Latin): Dactylorhiza fuchsii (subsp. okellyi ) Irish Name: None Order: MONOCOTYLEDONES Family: ORCHIDACEAE Brief Description: Like D. fuchsii subsp. fuchsii, but leaves plain green, and flowers pure white with pale cream pollinia.
Carsten KriegerO'Kelly's Spotted Orchid 1 - Carsten Krieger
Some of the more unusual species of orchids found in the Burren National Park include; dense-flowered orchid, early-purple orchid, common-spotted orchid, fragrant orchid, fly-orchid, bee-orchid, frog orchid, lesser butterfly orchid and autumn lady’s tresses.
Hazel 4
English Name: Hazel Botanical Name (Latin): Corylus avellana Irish Name: Coll Order: DICOTYLEDONES Family: BETULACEAE Brief Description: Shrubby, deciduous tree; catkins (“lamb’s tails”) appearing in early Spring before leaves; leaves hairy, oval; hazel nuts enclosed in leafy bracts.
Carsten KriegerCarsten Krieger
Hazel 4
English Name: Hazel Botanical Name (Latin): Corylus avellana Irish Name: Coll Order: DICOTYLEDONES Family: BETULACEAE Brief Description: Shrubby, deciduous tree; catkins (“lamb’s tails”) appearing in early Spring before leaves; leaves hairy, oval; hazel nuts enclosed in leafy bracts.
Carsten Krieger
Few trees are able to grow healthily in the Burren landscape, as any soil that can be found in the area is very shallow. Ash, blackthorn, holly and whitethorn can, however, be found growing from the deep grykes that exits along the limestone pavement. An example of one of the unique Burren Hazel Woodlands can be found along the slopes of the Aillwee Mountain.
A remarkable group of Mediterranean plants and Arctic-Alpine plants, both rare to Ireland, co-exist in this exceptional botanical environment. Examples of Arctic-Alpine plants include mountain aven, spring gentian and spring sandwort. Examples of Mediterranean plants include maidenhead fern, dense-flowered orchid and burnet rose.
Plants that love limestone soils (calciole) and acidic soils (calcifuge) are growing in the Burren, together with those plants that usually prefer a shady woodland habitat. They are all thriving in the unique eco-system of the exposed Burren landscape.
Mountain Avens, The Burren
The mountain avens is an Arctic-Alpine plant. It flowers abundantly in sheets of cream and gold in the Burren, Co. Clare.
Courtesy of Carsten Krieger.Mountain Avens, The Burren - Courtesy of Carsten Krieger.
Spring Gentian 2
English Name: Spring gentian Botanical Name (Latin): Gentiana verna Irish Name: Ceadharlach Bealtaine Order: DIOTYLEDONES Family: GENTIANACEAE Brief Description: Dwarf, perennial herb, inconspicuous except when flowering; with basal rosette of leaves; flowers rich blue with white ?eye?, petals 5.
Carsten KriegerSpring Gentian 2 - Carsten Krieger
Bird's-foot Trefoil
English Name: Bird's-foot trefoil Botanical Name (Latin): Lotus corniculatus Irish Name: Crobh éin Order: DICOTYLEDONES Family: FABACEAE (LEGUMINOSAE) Perennial herb; stems spreading, solid; leaves with 5 leaflets; flowers bright yellow, sometimes orange or streaked red.
Carsten KriegerBird's-foot Trefoil - Carsten Krieger
Bloody Crane's-bill 1
English Name: Bloody crane’s-bill Botanical Name (Latin): Geranium sanguineum Irish Name: Crobh dearg Order: DICOTYLEDONES Family: GERANIACEAE Brief Description: Perennial herb; leaves deeply divided, round in outline; flowers rich magenta, to 3cm across; anthers turquoise.
Carsten KriegerBloody Crane's-bill 1 - Carsten Krieger
Burnet Rose 3
English Name: Burnet rose, Scotch rose Botanical Name (Latin): Rosa pimpinellifolia (R. spinosissima) Irish Name: Briúlán Order: DICOTYLEDONES Family: ROSACEAE Brief Description: Very spiny, deciduous shrub, usually c. 0.5m tall; flowers solitary, white, cream or pink; hip black with persistent crown of sepals.
Carsten KriegerBurnet Rose 3 - Carsten Krieger
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By Gerdasouge | 2019-09-03 10:00:53
Orchid of theBurren
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Orchid of theBurren