For the most up-to-date information see Cork County Council's webpage on Waste and Recycling.
Coolagowan Waste Project
Courtesy of Cork County Council
The Coolagowan Waste Prevention project was initiated by Dr. Mary Stack, Environmental Awareness Officer of Cork County Council and John Feeney, Chairperson of Coolagowan Development Group. The project was designed as a pilot for village communities, promoting waste prevention and behavioural change in dealing with household waste and the diversion of organic waste from landfill. Areas addressed by the project included shopping habits, re-use of household goods, recycling practices, safe disposal practices, composting and food waste, water conservation and energy conservation.
For more information click on the attached report by Dr. Mary Stack.
Guide to managing your household waste and domestic water usage
Courtesy of Cork County Council
This guide offers advice on what you need to know about waste, from sorting to collection and ultimate disposal, including reuse and recycling options. The objective is to challenge the public to reduce their bin weight by 75%. The Coolagowan Waste Project above shows that it can be done!
Local Authority Prevention Network Programme
Cork County Council, in partnership with South & East Cork Area Development Ltd., has implemented a programme to disseminate advice to SMEs on reducing consumption of materials, water and energy, thereby also reducing operational costs.
A Waste Prevention Officer has been deployed to manage the programme and is engaged in promotional, guidance and advice activities aimed at East Cork SMEs. Public sector buildings are also participating in the programme, as well as the SECAD HQ in Midleton. The programme was officially launched in October 2009.
For more information, click on the link below.
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