Municipal Waste
The image shows a bin on a street packed full of household and commerical waste.
Municipal Waste
The image shows a bin on a street packed full of household and commerical waste.
The amount of waste you produce relates directly to your environmental impact. A lot of the time household waste ends up in landfills, which are filling up at an increased rate. It is not only the amount of waste we produce, but also how we handle it that has an effect on the quality of the environment and on the prospects of future generations.
The 3Rs (reduce, re-use, recycle) play a major part in creating a sustainable waste management structure. Read on to find out how you can implement the 3 R's into your everyday life.
Junk Mail
By blocking junk mail you help stem a cycle of waste paper.
Junk Mail
By blocking junk mail you help stem a cycle of waste paper.
A discarded plastic bag
The introduction of a plastic bag levy had an immediate benefit to our environment – with a decrease in excess of 95% in plastic bag litter. Surveys indicated that up to 90% of shoppers used long-life bags in 2003, compared with 36% in 1999.
A discarded plastic bag
The introduction of a plastic bag levy had an immediate benefit to our environment – with a decrease in excess of 95% in plastic bag litter. Surveys indicated that up to 90% of shoppers used long-life bags in 2003, compared with 36% in 1999.
What you can do
Reuse shopping bags, use rechargeable instead of disposable batteries, make use of charity clothes/furniture shops and give your unwanted items to them. Dedicated websites like Free Trade Ireland and Jumbletown organise the giving and receiving of such items in Ireland. Also:
- Avail of WEEE facilities near you to dispose of electrical equipment safely.
- A compost bin is an essential ingredient to living a sustainable life.
- Use the three bin system in your home.
- Close the loop and buy recycled.
More detailed information on how to reduce your waste can be found here.
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