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Latin name: Rheum rhaponticum

Rhubarb is eaten as a fruit but it is really a vegetable.

The rhubarb plant comes from Asia. There is a lot of rhubarb in Ireland now.

It has big triangular green leaves. They look very much like cabbage leaves. It also has very small flowers. These are white to red in colour.

Can you see some of the red rhubarb stalks under all the thick leaves?

The stalks of the rhubarb plant are thick and firm. The stalks are are used to make the tasty stewed rhubarb! This is very popular in the summer.

Do you know how to make stewed rhubarb? Make sure to ask an adult to help you make it!

  1. Chop some stalks.
  2. Add them to a a pot with a little water and sugar.
  3. Simmer until they go soft.

People usually use red stalks. Green stalks are just as nice! They are usually ready to pick in May or June. Hold the stalk firmly close to the ground. Then, give a good tug to get it out!

Interesting rhubarb facts

The stalks may be nice and sweet but the leaves are highly poisonous.

Rhubarb stalks used to be dipped in sugar and eaten like sweets.

To create a murmur for the background of a film, the actors are sometimes told to say the word ‘rhubarb’ over and over!