Grand Jury Map of Cork

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Grand Jury Map of Cork

Look at the map below and see if you can find Bantry Bay, Bear Island and Roaring Water Bay.

Did you notice what scale they used ? Did you spot that they used the term "Irish miles" in the information about scale?

Have a look at the "Explanation" section on the left hand side of the map. It is the list of symbols used in the map and tells you what each symbol means. These include the symbols for noblemen and gentlemen's seats , mail-coach roads (you are unlikely to find either of these on a modern map), ruined churches and the safest anchorage.

From a Grand Jury point of view, why do think it would be important to note whether a building was in ruins or not ?


Examine the 1811 Grand Jury Map of Cork

Examine the 1811 Grand Jury Map of Cork