Aspects of Co. Louth

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  • Aspects of Co. Louth

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County Louth, or the 'Wee County' as it is sometimes known is the smallest county in Ireland. It has a total area of only 821 square kms.

The length of the county, from the boundary south of Drogheda to the boundary north of Ravensdale is only 29 miles. The breadth of the county is on average only 12-13 miles. Despite its size, County Louth has a rich and interesting geography. Lets read about this geography.


County Louth is one of 12 counties in the province of Leinster. Despite being on the coast and its small size, it still shares a border with 3 other counties. They are Armagh to the north, Monaghan to the northwest and Meath to the southwest.

Because of its location on the border with Northern Ireland, County Louth has a very strong link with its neighbours, particularly in County Armagh and across the Carlingford Lake in County Down.


According to the census in 2006, the population of County Louth is 111,267. This represents an increase of 9,446 or roughly 9% from the population figure for 2002 (101,821).

55,932 of these are females while the remaining 55,335 are males. Louth's population is roughly 5% of the whole population for the province of Leinster.