Moving up in the World

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  • Cúchulainn


Setanta continued to make a big impression at the Macra. One day in particular, he was down at the playing field, playing a game called Shoot-the-Goal against 150 of his classmates. All 150 of them together couldn't stop any of his shots into the goal with his sliotar, nor could they score a goal against him.

The king was going to a special feast that night, organised for only the most important warriors in Ulster by the blacksmith Culann. On his way, he passed the field and watched the boys playing. He was so impressed with Setanta's domination of the other boys that he decided to invite him to the feast too.

But Setanta was completely caught up in the game and replied, 'I haven't had my fill of play yet, friend Conchobhar. I'll follow you on.' The king agreed and went on his way.

Click the arrow to find out what happened at the great feast.