Population and Language

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  • Aspects : Co Waterford

According to the last census, taken in 2006, the population for the whole county of Waterford is 107,942. Of those, 53,919 are male and 54,023 are female.

The population of Waterford has increased since the last census in 2002 by 6,396, which is a percentage change of +6.3%. This figure is almost the same for the province of Munster (+6.5%) and slightly less than the national figure (+8.1%).

Most of these increases have happened in Waterford City, Tramore and Dungarvan with only small increases in the west of the county. The main reason for this population increase is the rise in the number of immigrants living in County Waterford. Also, the natural increase (number of births minus the number of deaths) rose by roughly 2,000 during that period.