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  • Anne Devlin

After the rising failed, Anne was questioned by Major Sirr, Dublin's Chief of Police. She refused to talk, despite his offer of £500 and government protection. On the scroll above is an excerpt from Anne's account of her arrest. Notice how the police used violence against her.

Anne met Emmet for the last time when she was transferred to Kilmainham Jail. Major Sirr begged her to provide information about Emmet, as he was already a dead man, but she refused. Emmet himself had told her that she could talk about his plans if she was under threat of harm. However, she did not budge.

The governor of the prison, Dr Edward Trevor, who was known as 'the Devil's partner', used every device imaginable to get Anne to inform on Emmet and his companions. All his efforts, including physical and mental torture, were in vain. His treatment of Anne was so excessive that an investigation into his methods was called for. However, no action was taken.