School Buildings in the 20th Century

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Some national schools were two storey buildings. Examples of these are usually convent national schools

A convent school class decades ago.

This image portrays a school class from the country-side. They are eager to learn and are not obliged to wear a uniform as poverty-stricken Ireland could not afford them at this time. Infact, times were so bad, some families could not afford shoes, and had to settle for second-hand shoes.

Image courtesy of Failte Ireland.


As we have seen we can learn about children who attended schools by looking at roll books and pictures. We can also learn about schools in the past by asking older people. If we collect a few pictures from the same school it can help us to compare life at two different times.

Examine the evidence

Notice that one picture is not as good quality as the other. Why do you think that is?


Examining the picture

Examining the picture


Circle The Evidence

Circle The Evidence