Crannogs / Cránnoga
Kilcorran, Co. Monaghan
A crannog at Kilcorran Lough, Co. Monaghan
Courtesy of Con BroganCourtesy of Con Brogan
Kilcorran, Co. Monaghan
A crannog at Kilcorran Lough, Co. Monaghan
Courtesy of Con Brogan
Many Irish lakes have tiny circular islands often covered in trees. Many of these are crannogs or man-made island dwellings built in shallow water using timber, stones and other material. These artificial islands were constructed from the Bronze Age to the early medieval period and the surrounding water gave their usually noble occupants a measure of defence. They can be productive sites for archaeological excavation because the water preserves organic material such as timber and leather. Some crannogs remained in use up to the seventeenth century AD.
Tullylough, Co. Roscommon
A crannog at Tullylough, Co. Roscommon
Courtesy of Con BroganCourtesy of Con Brogan
Tullylough, Co. Roscommon
A crannog at Tullylough, Co. Roscommon
Courtesy of Con Brogan
Ás Gaeilge:
Bíonn oileáin bhídeacha chiorclacha clúdaithe le crainn i gcuid mhór locha in Éirinn. Is crannóga iad, nó áiteanna cónaithe tógtha de láimh in uisce éadoimhin le hadhmad, clocha agus ábhair eile. Thógtaí na hoileáin bhréagacha seo idir an Chré-Umhaois agus na meánaoiseanna luatha. Daoine uaisle a bhíodh ina gcónaí iontu agus thugadh an t-uisce thart timpeall orthu cosaint éigin dóibh de ghnáth. Is suímh mhaithe iad ó thaobh na seandálaíochta de mar caomhnaíonn uisce ábhar orgánach cosúil le hadhmad agus leathair. Bhí roinnt crannóg in úsáid suas go dtí an seachtú haois déag AD.
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