Hillforts / Dúin Chnoic
Garrangrena, Co. Tipperary
This hillfort at Garrangrena, Co. Tipperary is surrounded by a bank and external ditches, bc, late bronze age
Courtesy of Con BroganCourtesy of Con Brogan
Garrangrena, Co. Tipperary
This hillfort at Garrangrena, Co. Tipperary is surrounded by a bank and external ditches, bc, late bronze age
Courtesy of Con Brogan
Hillforts are a relatively rare feature in the Irish countryside. They can have a single rampart or a number of ramparts, which can consist of either stone or earth, surrounding the top of a hill. Where a ditch is present it is outside the bank. Excavation has shown that many were originally constructed in the Late Bronze Age (c. 1000 BC). They were clearly for community rather than family use and while they could have served a defensive purpose, the indications are that they were used mainly for ceremonies or assemblies.
Rathgall, Co. Wicklow
The hillfort at Rathgall, Co. Wicklow, has a number of enclosing ramparts of stone and earth. The innermost stone enclosure is a medieval addition to the Late Bronze Age hillfort
Courtesy of Con BroganCourtesy of Con Brogan
Rathgall, Co. Wicklow
The hillfort at Rathgall, Co. Wicklow, has a number of enclosing ramparts of stone and earth. The innermost stone enclosure is a medieval addition to the Late Bronze Age hillfort
Courtesy of Con Brogan
Ás Gaeilge:
Tá dúin chnoic réasúnta neamhchoitianta i dtuaithe na hÉireann. D’fhéadfadh go mbeadh rampar amháin nó roinnt rampar, déanta as cloch nó cré, ag timpeallú barr an chnoic. Nuair a bhíonn díog
ann, bíonn sé lasmuigh den bhanc cré. Tá léirithe ag obair thochailte gur tógadh cuid mhór acu sa chéad dul síos sa Chré- Umhaois Dhéanach (c. 1000 BC). Is léir gurb é an pobal, seachas teaghlaigh, a bhaintí úsáid astu. Cé go bhféadfaí go raibh feidhm chosanta ag baint leo, is dóichí go mbaintí úsáid astu go príomha do shearmanais nó tionóil.
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