Standing Stones and Stone Circles / Clocha Seasta agus Ciorcail Chloiche
Bohonagh, Co. Cork
A stone circle at Bohonagh, Co. Cork
Courtesy of Con BroganCourtesy of Con Brogan
Bohonagh, Co. Cork
A stone circle at Bohonagh, Co. Cork
Courtesy of Con Brogan
Single standing stones were erected for different purposes at different times in the past. Some marked burials; others marked boundaries or served some commemorative or ritual function. Some standing stones have Ogham inscriptions dating from the fourth to the seventh centuries AD, which commemorate individuals of that time. Ogham is an alphabet formed of strokes carved on the edge of a stone and these inscriptions are the oldest record of the Irish language.
Stone circles of five or more upright stones, found in certain parts of the country, were used for ritual and/or burial purposes, and were sometimes aligned on important astronomical events and date from the Bronze Age.
Derrynane, Co. Kerry
An Ogham-inscribed standing stone at Derrynane, Co. Kerry
Courtesy of Con BroganCourtesy of Con Brogan
Derrynane, Co. Kerry
An Ogham-inscribed standing stone at Derrynane, Co. Kerry
Courtesy of Con Brogan
Ás Gaeilge:
Tógadh clocha seasta singil ar chúiseanna éagsúla ag amanta difriúla san am atá caite. Comharthaí adhlacthaí a bhí i gcuid acu; léirigh cinn eile teorainneacha nó bhíodh feidhm chomórtha agus dheasghnách ag baint leo. Tá Ogham greanta ar chuid de na clocha seasta a bhaineann leis an tréimhse idir an ceathrú agus an seachtú haois AD, agus comórann siad daoine áirithe ón tréimhse sin. Is aibítir í Ogham de línte greanta in imeall cloiche agus is iad na scríbhinní seo an taifead is sine den Ghaeilge.
Tá ciorcail chloiche le cúig chloch sheasta nó níos mó le fáil i gceantair áirithe sa tír. Bhaintí úsáid astu do chúiseanna deasghnácha agus/nó adhlactha. Amanta dhéantaí iad a ailíniú ag ócáidí tábhachtacha réaleolaíocha agus baineann siad leis an gCré-Umhaois.
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