Clare County Library presents One County One Book 2014
Clare County Library
April-October 2014
Adult and children's titles for 2014 are both by Morgan Llywelyn
Clare County Library is inviting adults and children of County Clare to read, discuss, share and experience the same book by participating in a One County One Book programme. The title chosen for adults is Lion of Ireland by Morgan Llywelyn, while the chosen childrens title is Brian Ború: Emperor of the Irish also by Morgan Llywelyn. These titles were chosen in keeping with the initiatives taking place throughout the county this year to commemorate Brian Ború and the millennium of The Battle of Clontarf. It is hoped that as many people as possible will read these books between April and October 2014 and enjoy the events that are planned at the library to enhance the reading experience. Copies of the books will be available for borrowing at all branch libraries.
The One County One Book initiative will be officially launched in the De Valera Public Library, Harmony Row, Ennis on Wednesday 23rd April at 7.30pm. This date coincides with the millennial anniversary of the Battle of Clontarf and the death of Brian Ború. It is also the date on which World Book Night will be celebrated. Michael Moylan will bring his Irish History Live show to the library on the evening when he will enthrall the audience, adults and children, with his interactive show. He will provide hands-on experience of what life was like in the time of Brian Ború. Many more events are planned in the following months as part of the programme including visits by author Morgan Llywelyn, historical talks, quizzes, competitions and a touring Brian Ború exhibition that has been produced by Clare County Library. This programme is a chance for the whole county to rediscover a love of books and reading and to promote a renewed sense of community spirit in sharing that reading experience with each other.
For more details of the programme and the ongoing events phone 065-6821616/065-6846350 or visit