Carlow Writers
Man writing circa 1848
Illustration of a man writing taken from the Illustrated London News 1848.
Carlow County LibraryCarlow County Library
Man writing circa 1848
Illustration of a man writing taken from the Illustrated London News 1848.
Carlow County LibraryThe Spindle-tree
The Spindle-tree is a selection of work by Carlow Writers’ Group. Contents the Right Type of Friends by Margaret O’Rourke, Jack in the Box by Robert Duffy, The Handyman by Dermot McKenna, Childhood by Deirdre Brennan, Egypt’s Child-King by Marie McGrath, Song by Larry O’Reilly, The Face that Speaks by Lily Dempsey, Peter’s Funeral Phil Littleton, Lenten Mass by Olivia Doyle, Pot-pourri of childhood by Betty Ryan O’Gorman, Embryotic Blossoms by Maria O’Rourke, In my dreams by Valerie O’Rourke, Edel by Maire Nic Aoidh, Finscealaiocht by Deirdre Brennan, Paris by Padraig o Snodaigh, Mo Rockstar by Clodagh Ni Bhranain, Siulaim tri sheomra by Rita Kelly, Tiuilip by Phil Lyttleton, Sliocht as saothar fada by Antaine o Broin, The birth by Marian Dalton, Meat by Martin Fennell.
Carlow County LibraryCarlow County Library
The Spindle-tree
The Spindle-tree is a selection of work by Carlow Writers’ Group. Contents the Right Type of Friends by Margaret O’Rourke, Jack in the Box by Robert Duffy, The Handyman by Dermot McKenna, Childhood by Deirdre Brennan, Egypt’s Child-King by Marie McGrath, Song by Larry O’Reilly, The Face that Speaks by Lily Dempsey, Peter’s Funeral Phil Littleton, Lenten Mass by Olivia Doyle, Pot-pourri of childhood by Betty Ryan O’Gorman, Embryotic Blossoms by Maria O’Rourke, In my dreams by Valerie O’Rourke, Edel by Maire Nic Aoidh, Finscealaiocht by Deirdre Brennan, Paris by Padraig o Snodaigh, Mo Rockstar by Clodagh Ni Bhranain, Siulaim tri sheomra by Rita Kelly, Tiuilip by Phil Lyttleton, Sliocht as saothar fada by Antaine o Broin, The birth by Marian Dalton, Meat by Martin Fennell.
Carlow County LibraryCongratulations to John Banville, winner of the Man Booker Prize 2005 and native of our neighbouring county Wexford, and also to Sebastian Barry whose book was short-listed in this year's competition. As yet Carlow has not produced a Booker prizewinner but there is an abundant and varied mix of writers hailing from or living in the locality.
Natives of Carlow such as popular children's writer David Donohue and the multi talented Val Vousden are featured in this section of the website. Some authors have made Carlow their sanctuary as Christabel Bielenberg did on her escape from the perils of Nazi Germany in the 1940s, or Mim Scala whose electrifying journey in rock n' roll lead to tranquillity fishing on the river Barrow. Hugely successful children's author Herbie Brennan has delighted, enthralled and mystified a whole generation of young readers worldwide from his base in Tullow.
A diverse collection of writings in both English and Irish has evolved over the years. Poetry, romance, memoirs and history have all been penned by writers with a strong Carlow connection.
Indigenous authors have also had a substantial input to Irish language literature over the years with poet Conleth Ellis and "Coscéim" founder and editor Pádraig Ó Snodaigh featuring prominently. Others, like the late Eoghan O Tuairaisc and poet Deirdre Brennan settled in County Carlow and have produced a substantial body of work as Gaeilge as well as in English.
The Carlow Writer's Group was founded in 1988 and for many years produced collections of short stories and poems in both English and Irish. The annual collection of contributions from fledgling writers was a mainstay of literature in the county in the 1990s. More recently a vibrant amateur writing scene has been active in Carlow under the tutelage of established director and novelist Sean Hardie.
Reading groups also currently meet regularly in the libraries to discuss current and classic works.
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