Eva Gore-Booth
Introduction to Irish Writers - Eva Gore-Booth
There can be few other examples of an Irish literary figure being so overshadowed by a sibling, as Eva Gore-Booth. Her non-literary sister, Constance Markievicz, is known far and wide as a glamorous, heroic figure - Ireland's Joan of Arc whereas Eva is known chiefly as the writer of "The Little Waves of Breffny"
. Perhaps the wider audience, which a web site offers, might go some way to balance this injustice. What follows is not academic criticism or literary biography but an attempt to bring to life a neglected feature of Ireland's rich, and up to very recently, male dominated, literary history.
Little Waves of Breffny (part 1)
Little Waves of Breffny - The first two verses © Sligo County Library
Copyright managed by the Library Council
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