Coolagown Village Waste Prevention

Coolagown, Co. Cork

Coolagown is one of 16 Villages of Tradition in the Blackwater Area with a current population of approximately 120. Coolagown Development Group was formed in 1991. Their aim at this time was to enhance the village and revitalise the area. Since then, the group has completed a number of successful projects. For example, a group water scheme in 1992 and a new recent extension to Kilmagner School in 2009. Coolagown won Gold Medals in the National Tidy Towns competition in 2008 & 2009.

Coolagown Development Group has worked closely with Cork County Council and Avondhu–Blackwater–Partnership Leader Group. From 1997 – 2003 to 2008, their Development Plan has successfully enhanced the village.

In support of Cork County Council’s Waste Management Plan and the National Tidy Towns Competition (waste prevention theme), a project was initiated by Dr Mary Stack of Cork County Council’s Environmental Awareness & Research Unit and Mr John Feeney, Chairperson Coolagown Development Group. The project was designed as pilot for village communities. It promoted waste prevention and behavioural change in dealing with household waste and the diversion of organic waste from landfill.

The two primary aims were:

·   The challenge of improving household waste management behaviour.

·   To educate households on how to reduce negative environmental impacts on their environment through waste prevention, energy and water conservation trainings.

Through the assistance of the Coolagown Development Group, 22 households signed up to participate in the project. Each household signed a pledge of commitment to the project. A series of information meetings and trainings were organised by the Environmental Awareness Unit. All these specialist speakers influenced the group on how each household can contribute and live in a sustainable environment and how their small behavioural changes can have a positive impact on the environment. Examples of some of the behavioural changes adopted by the group include shopping habits, reuse of household goods, recycling practices, safe disposal practices, composting & food waste, water conservation and energy conservation.

Some of the Participants Comments

I was already an enthusiastic composter but I got loads of tips and ideas from the course. Fantastic!

I was a disgrace before the programme but now I have reduced my waste from 20Kg a week down to nothing. My bill has gone from €40 down to €17 a month. I should have done it years ago.

I have reduced my rubbish to zero! The little that I do put out does not even register on the scales when the Council lorry weighs my waste bin

The only thing that I am still putting out is ash from the fire and nappies. I wish there was something that could be done with the nappies

I really enjoyed the programme, the green cone for me was the most preferred method and I have totally reduced what I would send out to the regular rubbish because of that. My only problem is that it is getting too full and I could probably use two of these.

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