Related Notes
Cantilevered Stairs
A stairs designed whereby the steps, usually of stone, are anchored horizontally within a wall so as to appear as if self supporting.
Building decorated with battlements and turrets.
The most ornate of the Classical orders, distinguished by its elaborate capital based on the foliage of the acanthus plant. Good examples may be seen on the front of Trinity College Dublin. The Composite order was developed in Roman architecture by combining the volutes of the Ionic with acanthus leaves; good examples may be seen in the rotunda of City Hall, Dublin.
The uppermost, projecting element of an entablature (the supertructure of the classical order which is supported by the column and capital) which also can be used to describe any projecting moulding at the top of a building or wall.
Diocletian Window
A semi-circular window divided into three with two vertical mullions. Also known as a Thermal window from their use in the Baths (Thermae) of Diocletian in Rome.
The earliest of the Classical orders, of which there are two kinds. Greek Doric which has a fluted or channeled shaft with a simple rounded capital and may be seen on the portico of St Mary?s Pro-Cathedral, Dublin and Roman Doric which has a smooth shaft and a more elaborate moulded capital.
A band, plain or decorated, running in the middle of an antablature between the cornice and architrave.
An architectural style developed in Europe from the 12th century and most easily identified in the use of the pointed arch.
Modern Style
The architecture developed in the early twentieth century which sacrificed decoration and historical styles to considerations of function resulting in asymmetrical compositions, cubic forms with open plans and a dominance of concrete, metal and glass.
Mullioned Fenestration
Typically windows of the Tudor period and style, where the glazing is divided by solid horizontal (transoms) and vertical (Mullions) members, either of stone or wood.
The triangular gable placed over a portico.
In ancient architecture, the portico was entrance and centrepiece of a temple, with its roof supported on columns and open to the front. It is often found in later classical buildings to create a grand entrance.
A term for plaster, usually referring to the decorative interior plasterwork found on Georgian ceilings.
Tudor Architecture
English architecture associated with the period from the end of the 15th century to the mid 16th century, between the reigns of Henry VII and Mary I. The architecture of the period is predominantly Gothic.
Venetian window
A type of opening, first made fashionable in northern Italy in the 16th century by the architects Sebastiano Serlio and Andrea Palladio. Formed in three parts, usually with columns, with a central arched opening flanked by lower squared headed openings.
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