The Demesne Landscape
Killua sham ruins
Sham ruins, like here at Killua were popular as part of a romanticising and picturesque garden style.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganImage courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Killua sham ruins
Sham ruins, like here at Killua were popular as part of a romanticising and picturesque garden style.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganCountry houses do not stand in isolation. They are part of a designed landscape, known in Ireland as a demesne, which represents the Belline area (usually enclosed by walls) retained with a house for use and enjoyment, over and above the lands of an estate, which were tenanted and formed the main source of income. A foretaste of the architectural qualities within a demesne is often provided by the gate lodges, arranged formally beside, or even as a feature of, grand entrances. Often mirroring the architecture of the house, these range from modest estate workers' houses to miniature Classical temples and monumental gate houses
Duckett's Grove Gatescreen
This monumental castellated gatescreen at Duckett's Grove in County Carlow is as ambitious as the castle it was built to serve.
Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Marlay Park
The walled garden clock tower in Marlay Park in Dublin
Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
The ice house at Carnfunnock, Co. Antrim
Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Waterston, Co. Westmeath
This curious monument at Waterston in Co. Westmeath was designed by Richard Castle as a dovecote and placed within a designed landscape to serve as an eye catcher to improve views within the demesne.
Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
The guiding hand of the landlord usually extended outside the demesne to the rest of his estate. This was most evident in the formation of estate villages. The finest of these villages are usually found beside the principal entrance, like those of Glaslough, Slane, Ardagh and Moynalty.
An octagonal gate house, originally one of a pair that announed the entrance to Belline House.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganBelline - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Ballyfin, County Laois
This aerial view over Ballyfin shows how the country house was the centre of a much larger economic unit, supporting its own community and activities in a great variety of buildings; mostly of a functional nature these buildings were often embellished to enhance their visual interest and appeal.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganBallyfin, County Laois - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
A simple porter's lodge raised above the ordinary with a handsome window set in a shallow arch at Castlehackett in Co. Galway
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganCastlehackett - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Belline lodge
This rustic lodge at Belline, Co. Kilkenny is built in a primitive way as novelty to enhance the landscape and to reflect the origins of classical architecture.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganBelline lodge - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Duckett's Grove
The wilful asymmetrical arrangment of the building at Duckett's Grove in County Carlow contributes to the romantic, picturesque qualities.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganDuckett's Grove - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Ballyfin, County Laois Inside these bounded landscapes that Elizabeth Bowen called 'house islands' is an enclosed world, where the house is presented in a landscaped park according to the predominant fashion. Natural characteristics of the topography were enhanced and ornamental buildings added to give scenic and aesthetic interest. The steady supply of cheap labour fuelled the creative ambitions of landlords. These ambitions were frequently expressed in architecture, so that many demesnes were embellished by a series of rustic and formal garden buildings. Usually inadequately termed as follies, they range from the whimsical and curious to the extraordinary, and represent the most diverse buildings of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They include bridges, gazebos, temples, towers , obelisks , sham ruins, grottoes and shell houses. Some of the finest examples can be seen in the demesnes of Tollymore Park, Rockingham, Killua and Belvedere.
Killua obelisk
This obelisk at Killua, Co. Westmeath was erected to commemorate Sir Walter Raleigh.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganKillua obelisk - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Primitive structures such as this at Hermitage in Dublin were built in extroardinary and bizarre materials, usually with river worn and conglomerate stones so as to invoke an imaginary and grotesque world associated with primitive society.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganHermitage - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Ballyfin Tower
This massive fortified tower at Ballyfin in County Laois was built by Sir Charles Coote as a famine relief projects and served as an ornamental eyecather, a viewing tower and tea house.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganBallyfin Tower - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
The Gothic gazebo or viewing tower at Belvedere is one of many ornamental garden buildings or 'follies' built for pleasure and entertainment.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganBelvedere - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Mountstewart, Co. Down
The Temple of the Winds in Mountstewart is a highly sophistciated garden building, which like the Casino at Marino in Dublin, reflected the cultured tastes of the patron.
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganMountstewart, Co. Down - Image courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
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