St Laserians Well
Votive Tree at St. Laserian's Well, Old Leighlin
A view of the votive tree with offerings from pilgrims at St Laserians well Old Leighlin also showing St. Laserians Cathedral in the background.
Carlow County LibraryVotive Tree at St. Laserian's Well, Old Leighlin
A view of the votive tree with offerings from pilgrims at St Laserians well Old Leighlin also showing St. Laserians Cathedral in the background.
Carlow County Library
Edward O'Toole notes that St. Laserian's well was commonly called St. Molasog's well. St. Laserian is called the founder of the church and Episcopal see of Leighlin. O'Toole quotes from Seward's description of the well in "Topographia Hibernia". "It is covered with large ash trees and much frequented by the Irish who come to it from all parts of the kingdom".
The Patron to this Holy Well was prohibited by the parish priest from 1812. Captain Vigors of Erindale cut down two very old ash trees and a white thorn in the year 1823 (approx). These trees had overshadowed the Well. O'Toole writing in 1933 says that the well is almost choked up with mud. About 10 yards from the well stands a rude stone cross 5ft. in height.
Legends and Cures
1. Canon O'Hanlon refers to the Well as St. Molasha's Well which sprung from the base of the cross. The waters were believed to produce miraculous effect. A person taking a false oath could expect some remarkable judgement to befall him.
2. Another legend pertains to the building of the Cathedral of Leighlin. One of the Bullocks who transported stones to the site was killed for the suppers of the workmen. If a bone of this bullock was broken great misfortune would befall this person. One such workman broke a bone and became covered in ulcers. When he sought forgiveness from the Saint. Laserian told him to bathe his sores in the water which sprung up at his command and he was cured.
3. In 1913 another local man was cured of a serious complaint. He vowed to search forth original Holy well and renovate it. His wishes were carried out after his death and the funds were obtained from the running of a football tournament. The well and cross were enclosed in 1914 and blessed by the then Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Foley. A limestone flag bears the inscription "A Naoimh Laisrain Guidh orainn".
Edward O'Toole's description of the Well in the 1932 refers to "Rosary Beads and medals on the base of it" (the cross) and the whitethorn "still growing and vigorous", hung with medals, Rosary beads and other votive offerings.
St. Laserian's Feast Day (as described in 1932) On the 18th of April, High Mass is celebrated in Leighlinbridge Church. After Mass people come to the Well, say prayers, drink the water and take some away with them. The schoolchildren have a holiday but there is no formal patron.
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