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Municipal Waste Quantities
Municipal solid waste includes household commercial including non process industrial waste and street cleansing waste street sweepings street bins and municipal parks and cemeteries maintenance waste ...
Producer Responsibility
Some products that we use everyday pose significant risks to the environment when they are no longer useful while other products are produced in very large quantities or contain some substance that is ...
Living in the 21st century we extract raw materials and energy from the earth to make all of the things that we use in everyday life Some things are useful for short periods of time while other things ...
Environment & Health
Environment and health in its broadest sense comprises those aspects of human health disease and injury that are influenced by factors in the environment This includes not only the study of the direct ...
Recovery and Recycling
The level of recycling of municipal waste continues to grow from year to year in Ireland with almost all households and businesses now using a green bin However the organic recycling rate is still low ...
Municipal Waste
The chart above shows the development in municipal waste per capita in Ireland between 2001 and 2010 Generation per capita peaked in 2006 at 794 kg capita By 2010 it had reduced by 20 to 636 kg capita ...
Since 1996 when the Waste Management Act came into force there have been big changes in how waste particularly municipal waste is handled in this country Before then waste was brought directly from ...
Key Issues
Earth s resources are finite With over 7 billion people on the planet now and a projection of 9 billion by 2050 we must all learn to live more sustainably and to minimise our resource use Irish people ...
From the Free State to the Second World War
The new Irish Free State was not the republic that some had fought for It was a British dominion within the Empire with the King at the apex of the constitution It was twenty six counties and not ...
The environment and its protection are not stand alone issues they are bound up intimately with social and economic issues Some view environmental regulation as a burden on business which increases ...