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Johnny Doran
Johnny Doran
The travelling piper Johnny Doran can be seen on the right of this photograph.
Courtesy NPU Archive
Terry Moylan
Terry Moylan
Terry Moylan is archivist at Na Píobairí Uilleann.
© Na Píobairí Uilleann
Singer Helen Roche
Singer Helen Roche
Helen Roche sings at a session in Meany's pub, Mullagh, Co. Clare.
Copyright Tony Kearns
Street Session
Street Session
Marcas Ó Murchú (flute), Antón Mac Gabhann (fiddle), Mick O'Connor (banjo), Áine Ní Chonail (fiddle) and Connie O'Connell (fiddle) at a street session in Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare.
Copyright Tony Kearns
Sackville Street, Dublin, late 19th century
Sackville Street, Dublin, late 19th century
Black and white print of Sackville Street, Dublin in The Industries of Dublin, historical, statistical, biographical, an account of leading business men, commercial interests, wealth and growth, page 20, published by Spencer Blackett, 1887 (approx)with illustrations
© Dublin City Public Libraries
Tara brooch
Tara brooch
Although dating to the 8th century AD this brooch is decorated with spirals that derive from the Celtic tradition.
Courtesy of the National Museum of Ireland
Time Flies (1887) by William Gerard Barry (1864-1941)
Time Flies (1887) by William Gerard Barry (1864-1941)
Time Flies (1887) by William Gerard Barry (1864-1941) captures an idyllic moment in childhood, but is also a reminder that time moves on relentlessly. The old woman seems to remembering her own youth
Courtesy of the Crawford Art Gallery, Cork
Page from the St. Gallen Manuscripts, Cod. Sang. 27, p. 21
Page from the St. Gallen Manuscripts, Cod. Sang. 27, p. 21
Created at the St Gallen monastery in Switzerland
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek (http://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/en/csg/0027/21)
Untitled (1979) by Charles Tyrrell (b.1950)
Untitled (1979) by Charles Tyrrell (b.1950)
AIB Art Collection
Late 12th century east window, Tuam Cathedral
Late 12th century east window, Tuam Cathedral
Tuam Cathedral, Co. Galway