Search Results ... (497)
Vona Groarke
Vona Groarke
Vona Groarke
Noel Monahan
Noel Monahan
Noel Monahan
Seán Dunne
Seán Dunne
Seán Dunne, photograph from the Irish Examiner
© Irish Exanimer
Photograph of Patrick MacGill
Photograph of Patrick MacGill
Black and White photograph of Patrick MacGill. This is a photograph of MacGill as a ‘navvy’, a labourer, taken of him standing in a field, possibly in Scotland.
With permission from Donegal County Archives
Mary Melvin Geoghegan
Mary Melvin Geoghegan
Mary Melvin Geoghegan
Breda Sullivan
Breda Sullivan
Breda Sullivan
Kathy Rodgers
Kathy Rodgers
Kathy Rodgers
Edward Bunting
Edward Bunting
Edward Bunting was one of the major collectors of Irish traditional music. He was commissioned to notate the music played at the 1792 Belfast Harp Festival, and continued to collect the 'Ancient Music of Ireland' for the rest of his life.
Image courtesy of Simon Chadwick and www.earlygaelicharp.info
John McCormack
John McCormack
Image of Irish Tenor John McCormack (1884-1945)
© Dublin City Public Libraries
Cork gets its name from the marsh on which the city is built.
Cork gets its name from the marsh on which the city is built.
A plan of Cork in 1545
Copyright Cork City Library