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Dr. Derek Hand, Author of the Irish Writers feature
Dr. Derek Hand, Author of the Irish Writers feature
Derek Hand teaches in the English Department in St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra. He is interested in Irish writing in general and has published articles on W.B. Yeats, Elizabeth Bowen and on contemporary Irish fiction. His book John Banville: Exploring Fictions was published in 2002 by The Liffey Press. He is a frequent reviewer of Irish fiction for the Irish Times.
In 2007, we created the weight of 428,000 double decker buses in waste
In 2007, we created the weight of 428,000 double decker buses in waste
The image shows a bin on a street packed full of household and commerical waste.
There are over 600 different flowering plants in the Burren in County Clare.
There are over 600 different flowering plants in the Burren in County Clare.
English Name: Burnet rose, Scotch rose Botanical Name (Latin): Rosa pimpinellifolia (R. spinosissima) Irish Name: Briúlán Order: DICOTYLEDONES Family: ROSACEAE Brief Description: Very spiny, deciduous shrub, usually c. 0.5m tall; flowers solitary, white, cream or pink; hip black with persistent crown of sepals.
Carsten Krieger
Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly
Contemporary drawing of Michael Kelly, opera singer and theatre manager (1762-1826)
© Dublin City Public Libraries
Ireland’s biodiversity is rich and varied
Ireland’s biodiversity is rich and varied
The Dingle Dolphin named Fungi, has become a firm favourite with locals and tourists. The young bottle-nosed dolphin has been around our shores since 1984.
Copyright Mike Brown
Homepage of Pilot Website
Homepage of Pilot Website
Screen shot of the homepage of Waterford Museum of Treasure
A Sketch of Edgeworthstown's poor during the Great Famine.
A Sketch of Edgeworthstown's poor during the Great Famine.
A Sketch of Edgeworthstown's poor during the Great Famine. This was taken as they assembled for soup in February 1847.
Title page of an 1814 edition of Castle Rackrent.
Title page of an 1814 edition of Castle Rackrent.
Title page of an 1812 edition of Castle Rackrent. This was printed for J. Johnson&Co., St. Paul's, Church-Yard.
George Bernard Shaw received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925.
George Bernard Shaw received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925.
George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin on 26th July 1856. He was the son of George Carr Shaw and Lucinda Elizabeth Shaw (nee Gurly). His formal education finished early and he started work at the age of fifteen. Shaw’s ties with Carlow are particulary noteworthy. His uncle Dr. John Walter Gurly who died in 1899 bequeathed all his properties in the Carlow area to Shaw’s mother and thereafter to his six step sisters should they remain unmarried. However, they all did marry and so Shaw became the owner. One of the properties was the Assembly Rooms donated to the Technical Instruction Committee in 1919. In 1944, Shaw made a bequest of his entire Carlow properties to Carlow Urban Council. This became the basis of the Civic Improvement Fund. Many portraits of Shaw exist but this bust of Shaw is by the Sculptor, Sava Botzaris (1894-1965). He was born in the former Yugoslavia. The bust is housed in Carlow County Library, in Tullow Street, Carlow.
Carlow County Library
It’s best not to create waste in the first place
It’s best not to create waste in the first place
The waste keeps piling up.
Copyright Environmental Protection Agency