Search Results ... (1436)
Western Angelica, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
Western Angelica, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
Western Angelica (Angelica pachycarpa) is found growing wild all over Ireland. The blossoms are usually white before they are shed.
(c) John Kennedy
Lady Bug, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
Lady Bug, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
The Lady Bug or Ladybird (Coccinellidae) in grassland and feeds on other insects such as greenfly.
(c) John Kennedy
Poolbeg chimneys from Bull Island
Poolbeg chimneys from Bull Island
The twin chimneys of Poolbeg are a landmark in Dublin Bay. Bull Island is next to a very busy port and harbour area.
(c) John Kennedy
House on sea shore, Co. Galway
House on sea shore, Co. Galway
The coast of Galway Bay near Spiddal and beyond is dotted with houses and cottages and rocky coves.
(c) John Kennedy
Snail and spider, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
Snail and spider, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
A diverse ecosystem exists on Bull Island, Co. Dublin
(c) John Kennedy
Western Marsh Orchid, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
Western Marsh Orchid, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
The Western Marsh Orchid (Dactylorhiza majalis) grows in marsh areas like those at Bull Island, Co. Dublin
(c) John Kennedy
Spotted orchid, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
Spotted orchid, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
The spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii) grows in grassy areas like Bull Island, Co. Dublin
(c) John Kennedy
Beyond Spiddal
Beyond Spiddal
The coastal region beyond the village of Spiddal to the west of Galway city is rugged with fields enclosed by stone walls and with rocky coves along the shoreline.
(c) John Kennedy
Western Marsh Orchids, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
Western Marsh Orchids, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
Western Marsh Orchids, Bull Island, Co. Dublin
(c) John Kennedy
Carrot Ridge, Inagh Valley
Carrot Ridge, Inagh Valley
A view from Carrot Ridge, Inagh Valley, Co. Galway
(c) Ciaran Clissmann