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Results of your search

In the results table below...
Click the 'occupants' icon to see who lived in the locality.
Click the Maps icon to see modern (Google Maps) and 1840s (OSI 6-inch) maps.

[previous] Results 41 to 60 of 110 [next]

Placename County Barony Parish Townland Occupants Map Views
Cattan Leitrim Mohill Cloone Cattan
Clooncoe Leitrim Mohill Cloone Clooncoe
Clooncose Leitrim Mohill Cloone Clooncose
Cloone Leitrim Mohill Cloone Cloone
Cloone, village of Leitrim Mohill Cloone Cloone
Cloonee Leitrim Mohill Cloone Cloonee
Clooncumber Leitrim Mohill Cloone Clooncumber
Cloonlaughil Leitrim Mohill Cloone Cloonlaughil
Cloontubbrid Leitrim Mohill Cloone Cloontubbrid
Corduff, south Leitrim Mohill Cloone Corduff, south
Cornageeha Leitrim Mohill Cloone Cornageeha
Cornagher Leitrim Mohill Cloone Cornagher
Cornulla Leitrim Mohill Cloone Cornulla
Creenagh Leitrim Mohill Cloone Creenagh
Drumadorn Leitrim Mohill Cloone Drumadorn
Drumbad Leitrim Mohill Cloone Drumbad
Drumboher Leitrim Mohill Cloone Drumboher
Drumconny Leitrim Mohill Cloone Drumconny
Drumdarkan Leitrim Mohill Cloone Drumdarkan
Drumgilra Leitrim Mohill Cloone Drumgilra

[previous] Results 41 to 60 of 110 [next]