The Stage Coach

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Beautiful coaches and carriages were built for those who could afford them.

New kinds of springs were invented which made coach travel more pleasant. Long journeys were broken into stages of about 20 km.

Coach horses on long journeys had to be changed or rested at stages. They often stopped at inns along the road. The Salmon Leap Inn offered refreshments for tired travellers and stables for their horses.

Staging Posts

Some people used the turnpike roads to deliver post from Dublin to the rest of the country.

These people used horses that were kept at stages along the road. In the 1800's Leixlip was a post town on the Dublin-Galway mail coach route.

Letters arrived from Dublin in the morning and in the evening.

The extensive stables within what is now the Courtyard Hotel in Main Street, Leixlip, were used as a staging post on the road to the west.

James Hartley operated one of the stagecoaches that passed through Leixlip. Here his tired horses were changed for fresh ones.