7. The Earth

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Key concepts: Hemispheres, Lines of latitude and longitude.

In this section children encounter information about how places are described or located on earth.

The Northern and Southern Hemispheres are explained. Children also see how it is possible to describe a location as being in the Eastern or Western Hemisphere. Here the dividing line is zero degrees longitude. This is also known as he Prime Meridian.

Places to the east of the Prime Meridian are described as being in the Eastern Hemisphere and those to the west of the Prime Meridian as being in the Western Hemisphere

Learning about longitude and latitude is shown to be quite similar to what children had already learned in the Grid Reference section of this site.

They learn that longitude and latitude is a way of dividing the Earth into different sections and giving each section a reference number to help places to be found more easily.

They learn that longitude lines run north and south whereas latitude lines run east and west. They measure distance in degrees.

Hemispheres quiz:
Children complete a task to check their understanding of hemispheres and lines of latitude and longitude. They find particular places, such as Sweden, using particular references.