Results of your search

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Results 1 to 19 of 19

Placename County Barony Parish Townland Occupants Map Views
Magheraboy Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Magheraboy, village of Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Municipal ward, west (part of) Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Market street (west side) Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Market street Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
High street (west side) Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Church lane Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Charles street Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
The lungy Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Waste garden lane Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Connellan's street Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Walker's row, or market lane, south Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Ratcliffe street Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Hudson's lane (off ratcliffe street) Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
John street (south side) Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
John street Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Love lane Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Church hill (south side) Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy
Church hill Sligo Carbury St john Magheraboy

Results 1 to 19 of 19