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Results of your search

In the results table below...
Click the 'occupants' icon to see who lived in the locality.
Click the Maps icon to see modern (Google Maps) and 1840s (OSI 6-inch) maps.

[previous] Results 21 to 40 of 60 [next]

Placename County Barony Parish Townland Occupants Map Views
Castleredmond Cork Imokilly Middleton Castleredmond
Coppingerstown Cork Imokilly Middleton Coppingerstown
Dunsfort Cork Imokilly Middleton Dunsfort
Gearagh Cork Imokilly Middleton Gearagh
Glebe Cork Imokilly Middleton Glebe
Innygraga Cork Imokilly Middleton Innygraga
Killeagh Cork Imokilly Middleton Killeagh
Knockasturkeen Cork Imokilly Middleton Knockasturkeen
Knockgorm Cork Imokilly Middleton Knockgorm
Loughatalia Cork Imokilly Middleton Loughatalia
Park, north Cork Imokilly Middleton Park, north
Park, south Cork Imokilly Middleton Park, south
School land Cork Imokilly Middleton School land
Townparks Cork Imokilly Middleton Townparks
Main street Cork Imokilly Middleton Townparks
Distillery walk (off main street) Cork Imokilly Middleton Townparks
Charles street Cork Imokilly Middleton Townparks
Dickenson's lane (off charles street) Cork Imokilly Middleton Townparks
Fren school lane (off charles street) Cork Imokilly Middleton Townparks
Free school lane Cork Imokilly Middleton Townparks

[previous] Results 21 to 40 of 60 [next]