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Results of your search

In the results table below...
Click the 'occupants' icon to see who lived in the locality.
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[previous] Results 41 to 60 of 133 [next]

Placename County Barony Parish Townland Occupants Map Views
Glentanemacelligot Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Glentanemacelligot
Gooseberryhill Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Gooseberryhill
Gortknockaneroe Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Gortknockaneroe
Gortnaglogh Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Gortnaglogh
Gortnascregga Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Gortnascregga
Greenfield Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Greenfield
Grillough Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Grillough
Inchantotane Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Inchantotane
Island Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Island
Kanturk Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Main street Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Chapel lane Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Peacock lane Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Watergate lane Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Watergate place Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Strand street Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Shambles (to the rere of 23.) Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Bluepool, upper Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Bluepool lane, upper Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk
Bluepool, lower Cork Duhallow (part i) Clonfert Kanturk

[previous] Results 41 to 60 of 133 [next]